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Rob Rodin is currently a General Partner and Managing Director of the Los Angeles based private equity firm, Riordan, Lewis and Haden (RLH)

He has been Chairman and CEO of RDN Group Inc. []; Strategic investor / advisor and manager: focused on developing portfolio companies for venture capital and private equity funds. Special emphasis on corporate transitions, customer interface, differentiated sales and marketing approaches, distribution design, supply chain management, internet and technology strategies.

Additionally, he serves as Vice Chairman, Director and Chairman of the Investment Committee of CommerceNet [Commerce.Net] which researches, and funds open platform, interoperable business services to advance commerce and healthcare. CommerceNet’s current initiative is a non-profit called Cancer Commons [] uniting patients, oncologists and scientists to insure personalized up to the minute treatments and management for individual cancers. (personalized medicine).

Mr. Rodin served for over 10 years as CEO and President of Marshall Industries (NYSE: MI) a global, industrial, electronics distributor and supply chain management company with $2 billion in sales (and an additional $1 Billion in global alliances). The company managed more than 2500 employees, 5000 suppliers, 500,000 part numbers, and 250,000 customers in 36 countries. Customers and suppliers included Intel, General Electric, AT+T, Motorola, IBM, Toshiba, and Siemens. Quality and customer demands required compliance with many of the following disciplines: Six Sigma, ISO 900X, Malcolm Baldridge, TQM, and Deming’s Total Quality System.

At Marshall Industries, Mr. Rodin engineered the reinvention of the company, turning a conventionally successful $250 million distributor into a web enabled $3 billion global competitor. He led the enterprise design which created a complete transformation of the company’s organizational structure and entire IT platform (and interface modules) which included complete development and implementation of the following systems: ERP, MRP, forecast and demand planning, CRM (customer relationship management), SRM (supplier relationship management), ERM (employee relationship management) and an ASRS (automated storage retrieval warehouse system). All of these solutions were required to interface seamlessly with the company’s global customer base and Marshall’s joint venture partners (in 36 countries in Europe and Asia).

Additionally, he was the creator of the “World’s Number One Business to Business Website” as recognized, 2 years in a row, by Advertising Age MagazineInformation Week Magazine highlighted Marshall Industries as the “World’s Number One Company in the Use of Technology”, and CIO Magazine recognized Mr. Rodin as one of the “Top 100 Leaders for the New Millennium”UCLA presented Mr. Rodin with the “Information Systems Award for System Leadership” and the University of Connecticut presented him with the “Distinguished Alumni Award” and elected him to the “University Hall of Fame”.

Mr. Rodin’s 2nd book, “Free, Perfect and Now: Connecting to the Three Insatiable Customer Demands”, chronicles the radical transformation of Marshall Industries. The changes he led have been taught as case studies at Harvard Business School, Columbia University, University of Southern California, MIT, and Stanford University. The transformation was also covered by CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune Magazine, and reviewed in several books including “The New Economics“ by W. Edwards Deming and “Customer Intimacy” by Fred Wiersema.

After the sale of Marshall Industries to Avnet Inc., Mr. Rodin lead the spinout of several new start up companies which brought to market many of the company’s IT and Internet properties to provide extended supply chain management tools for the electronic industry.

Mr. Rodin’s current Board activities include: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of CommerceNet, Board Member / Director of SupplyFrame (SupplyFX), Board Member /, Board Member / Director Inspirage, , Board Member/ Director Utegration, Board Member/ Director ClearView, Board Member Clarity Insights, Board Member / Director Shift 7 Digital, Board Member / Director Biorasi, Board Member / Chairman of Compensation Committee of ALS TDI (The ALS Therapy Development Institute).

Mr. Rodin also serves: On the Board of Leaders, Executive Committee of the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall School of Business, Mentor to the Masters of Business for Veterans participants and Appointed Ambassador of USC appointed by USC’s CEO, Advisory Board Member of LASEC (Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment Commission) and Board Member YPO / WPO LA (World Presidents Organization and 2013-14 Co-Chapter Chairman), Advisory Board Member, Beachhead Solutions.

Mr. Rodin formerly served on the Board of Directors (until their sale) of: Marshall Industries (NYSE: MI), Board Member / Director / Advisor of IntriPlex, Board Member Installer Edge, Board of Directors of Napster (NASDQ: NAPS) (formally Roxio) as Chairman of the Compensation Committee and a Member of the Audit Committee, Director and Member of the Governance and Nominating Committee of SM&A (NASDQ: WINS), Director of Inter-Tel (NASDAQ: INTL), Board, Board Member / Director Cyber Coders / Career Bliss, Board Member / Director of CollabRX, Board Member / Director of ABB Concise, Board Advisor to Sport Chalet, Board Member for Total Woman and Board Advisor to Cymetrix.

And he has served (until term limit) on the following: Advisory Board of Distribution at University of Southern California, the Board of Directors of RosettaNet, as a Trustee of the W. Edwards Deming Institute, Advisory Board of Electronics Supply & Manufacturing Magazine (CMP Publications), on the planning committee for Harvard and Stanford Presidents Seminars (YPO) and on University of Connecticut (UCONN) School of Business Board of Advisors (Executive Council and Strategic Development Committee) and President of NEDA’s (National Electronic Distribution Association) Education Foundation.